
Defining an Effective EPOS System

There are many EPOS applications available on the market today which can provide a wide range of features to your organisation. This article outlines the most important aspects for a small business considering the implementation of an EPOS or POS system.

Easy Navigable & Effective Interface

Navigation is a very important aspect for your EPOS system as your staff will be using the system to generate sales, refunds, purchases and maybe even reports or simply receipt reprints. All EPOS systems should be easily navigable through a keyboard rather than a mouse, and provide "hot keys" for frequently accessed areas of the program. The interface to the EPOS system should be kept basic to ensure confusion of using the system is resisted to a minimum.

Standard & Advanced EPOS Features

EPOS systems have become more user-friendly over the last decade providing more EPOS features which are essential to retailers. EPOS systems should provide generic features which are suitable for nearly all retailers and more advanced features for the specialised retailers.

Highly Configurable EPOS

With many retailers within different industries businesses focus on there exact requirements for an EPOS system. All EPOS software and systems should be highly configurable to allow changes with the EPOS settings and system security. Individual tills within the workplace may required certain features activating or deactivating such as

Ensuring EPOS System Security

Security within your EPOS system should not only reside within the EPOS software, but within the network as well. Firewalls can be installed to prevent external access from outside of the organisation if the EPOS system is connected to the Internet.

EPOS System Pricing

The pricing structures for EPOS systems can widely vary, this is usually dependant upon numerous aspects such as the number of tills required within the organisation, if any bespoke software features are required and the type of EPOS hardware required such as tills, receipt printers and customer displays. The pricing is not solely based upon the EPOS software itself, but the network coverage, hardware and also the support for the EPOS system required.

EPOS Support

The supplier of your EPOS system should provide an EPOS software support contract to support your system in the event of any problems. Frequent problems that usually occur are networking and hardware failure. In the event of a network failure, the system should still be operable allowing for the till to work in "offline mode", this would allow a till to use most of the EPOS systemรขโ�ฌโ�ขs features whilst the network is down.

Systems Created Ltd have been providing bespoke software solutions since 1987 for small- and medium-sized companies based within the UK. We are primarily focusing upon our new EPOS software system.