
How to easily uninstall ExactSeek Toolbar

There are times for all PC users to get rid of ExactSeek Toolbar from the computer. But sometimes, to get this job done successfully it will be a little difficult for common PC users. Here are three ways to uninstall ExactSeek Toolbar.

First, uninstall ExactSeek Toolbar from the Toolbar

1. Click the down arrow next to the Toolbar's wrench icon.

2. Select Uninstall from the drop-down menu.

3. Click Uninstall the ExactSeek Toolbar.

Secondly, remove ExactSeek Toolbar from the Add or Remove Programs Control Panel

1. Click the Windows Start menu button.

2. Select Control Panel.

3. Double-click Add or Remove Programs.

4. Slect ExactSeek Toolbar for IE.

Original :: How to easily uninstall ExactSeek Toolbar