
1Z0311 Exam

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Original :: 1Z0311 Exam

Antivirus Protect Your Computer

The AVG software covers a range of products that help with Internet security, anti-virus protection and offers identity protection that helps protect your device from identity theft and unknown malware threats. AVG gives you a strong Firewall that equips your computer with Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, a LinkScanner, an Anti-Rootkit, a web shield, and a security tool bar. These will work together to identify threats on your computer to make sure to eliminate them and allow you control over the management of them. The Free Edition of this comes with a few downsides. Though it allows you to perform full scans and it reveals all the threats and spy ware on your computer, it doesn't have the root kt that will take them off your computer. Also, it doesn't offer any outside support that you can contact if you need help, nor does it offer any server support and cannot scan network drives.

Another one is McAfee VirusScan. This antivirus program is perfect for home or office use and merges the services of the antivirus, firewall, and anti-spy ware capabilities. This includes on-access file scanning, inbound and outbound firewall protection, spy ware protection, daily updates, a rootkit detection, a website advisor that performs tests on each site you visit for evidence of spam, malware, an phishing. Also, it monitors your computer for any suspicious activities that may be performed by a hacker or the invasion of a virus. Finally, this device is compatible with only Windows from Windows 2000 all the way to Windows 7.

Another helpful anti-virus program is PC Tools' Spyware Doctor, which scans your personal computer for any spy ware by examining all files on the hard drive, in your computer's memory, and the registry and cookies. Then it quarantines all unrecognized and potentially harmful threats and prevents these threats from being saved to the disk. You can manage all the threats and choose the ones you want to remove, as well. It has real-time protection and eliminates most all threats that appear on the computer, but it has also faced some criticism about its ability to remove all threats.

Another top spy ware protection is Norton AntiVirus. This provides malware prevention and removal of threats and spy ware. It also uses signatures to identify viruses and even can filter spam from your email and further protect you from hackers and threats. Undergoing many variations, it is compatible with Windows and the Mac.

Finally, Avast is another anti virus software that includes a file system shield that shields your computer from viruses and threats, as well as a mail shield that blocks all hackers and spam emails. A web shield keeps your browser safe from accessing dangerous and potentially viral sites and it also protects you during instant messaging. Including an anti-rootkit and anti-spy ware capabilities, this will scan your computer and quarantine all threats in a Virus Chest where you can then manage them and decide which ones are actual threats and which ones are false reports. You can even report your own threats and throw them into the chest.

Original :: Antivirus Protect Your Computer

McAfee AntiVirus Plus 3User 2010

  • McAfee AntiVirus Plus 2010 provides essential, easy-to-use PC protection for care-free computing
  • Detects, blocks, and removes viruses, spyware, and adware
  • Alerts you to websites that may try to steal your identity
  • Confidently use the Internet 24/7 knowing hackers can't get access to your PCs
  • Warns you with color-coded ratings about unsafe websites

Rating: (out of 124 reviews)

List Price: $ 59.99 Price: $ 10.49

Original :: McAfee AntiVirus Plus 3User 2010

An Overview of Software Patenting

INTRODUCTIONThe concept of "intellectual property" in India over the last few years has taken on some epic proportions for a number of reasons. One of the primary reasons, attributable to the growing awareness among the urban Indian population, is of the significance and, more importantly, the commercial benefits in protecting its intellectual property rights both within and outside India. And under traditional principles of intellectual property protection, patent law is to encourage scientific research, new technology and industrial progress. The fundamental principle of patent law is that the patent is granted only for an invention i.e. new and useful the said invention must have novely and utility. The grant of patent thus becomes of industrial property and also called an intellectual property. And the computer software is a relatively new recipient of patent protection.The term "Patent'' has its origin from the term "Letter Patent''. This expression 'Letter Patent' meant open letter and were instruments under the Great Seal of King of England addressed by the Crown to all the subjects at large in which the Crown conferred certain rights and privileges on one or more individuals in the kingdom. It was in the later part of the 19th century new inventions in the field of art, process, method or manner of manufacture, machinery and other substances produced by manufacturers were on increased and the inventors became very much interested that the inventions done by them should not be infringed by any one else by copying them or by adopting the methods used by them. To save the interests of inventors, the then British rulers enacted the Indian Patents and Design Act, 1911.With respect to patentability of software -related inventions, it is currently one of the most heated areas of debate. Software has become patentable in recent years in most jurisdictions (although with restrictions in certain countries, notably those signatories of the European Patent Convention or EPC) and the number of software patents has risen rapidly.MEANING OF SOFTWARE PATENTINGThe term "software" does not have a precise definition and even the software industries fails to give an specific definition. But it is basically used to describe all of the different types of computer programs. Computer programs are basically divided into "application programs" and "operating system programs". Application programs are designed to do specific tasks to be executed through the computer and the operating system programs are used to manage the internal functions of the computer to facilitate use of application program.Though the term 'Software patent' does not have a universally accepted definition. One definition suggested by the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure is that a software patent is a "patent on any performance of a computer realized by means of a computer program".According to Richard Stallman, the co-developer of the GNU-Linux operating system and proponent of Free Software says, "Software patents are patents which cover software ideas, ideas which you would use in developing software.That is Software patents refer to patents that could be granted on products or processes (including methods) which include or may include software as a significant or at least necessary part of their implementation, i.e. the form in which they are put in practice (or used) to produce the effect they intend to provide.Early example of a software patent:On 21st Sep 1962, a British patent application entitled "A Computer Arranged for the Automatic Solution of Linear Programming Problems" was filed. The invention was concerned with efficient memory management for the simplex algorithm, and may be implemented by purely software means. The patent was granted on August 17, 1966 and seems to be one of the first software patents.CONCEPTUAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COPYRIGHT AND PATENTSoftware has traditionally been protected under copyright law since code fits quite easily into the description of a literary work. Thus, Software is protected as works of literature under the Berne Convention, and any software written is automatically covered by copyright. This allows the creator to prevent another entity from copying the program and there is generally no need to register code in order for it to be copyrighted. While Software Patenting has recently emerged (if only in the US, Japan and Europe) where, Patents give their owners the right to prevent others from using a claimed invention, even if it was independently developed and there was no copying involved.Further, it should be noted that patents cover the underlying methodologies embodied in a given piece of software. On the other copyright prevents the direct copying of software, but do not prevent other authors from writing their own embodiments of the underlying methodologies. The issues involved in conferring patent rights to software are, however, a lot more complex than taking out copyrights on them. Specifically, there are two challenges that one encounters when dealing with software patents. The first is about the instrument of patent itself and whether the manner of protection it confers is suited to the software industry. The second is the nature of software, and whether it should be subject to patenting.However, issues involved in conferring patent rights to software are a lot more complex than taking out copyrights on them. Specifically, there are two challenges that one encounters when dealing with software patents. The first is about the instrument of patent itself and whether the manner of protection it confers is suited to the software industry. The second is the nature of software and whether it should be subject to patenting.a) Different Subject MattersCopyright protection extends to all original literary works (among them, computer programs), dramatic, musical and artistic works, including films. Under copyright, protection is given only to the particular expression of an idea that was adopted and not the idea itself. (For instance, a program to add numbers written in two different computer languages would count as two different expressions of one idea) Effectively, independent rendering of a copyrighted work by a third party would not infringe the copyright.Generally patents are conferred on any 'new' and 'useful' art, process, method or manner of manufacture, machines, appliances or other articles or substances produced by manufacture. Worldwide, the attitude towards patentability of software has been skeptical.b) Who may claim the right to a patent /copyright?Generally, the author of a literary, artistic, musical or dramatic work automatically becomes the owner of its copyright.The patent, on the other hand is granted to the first to apply for it, regardless of who the first to invent it was. Patents cost a lot of money. They cost even more paying the lawyers to write the application than they cost to actually apply. It takes typically some years for the application to get considered, even though patent offices do an extremely sloppy job of considering.c) Rights conferredCopyright law gives the owner the exclusive right to reproduce the material, issue copies, perform, adapt and translate the work. However, these rights are tempered by the rights of fair use which are available to the public. Under "fair use", certain uses of copyright material would not be infringing, such as use for academic purposes, news reporting etc. Further, independent recreation of a copyrighted work would not constitute infringement. Thus if the same piece of code were independently developed by two different companies, neither would have a claim against the other. A patent confers on the owner an absolute monopoly which is the right to prevent others from making, using, offering for sale without his/her consent. In general, patent protection is a far stronger method of protection than copyright because the protection extends to the level of the idea embodied by a software and injuncts ancillary uses of an invention as well. It would weaken copyright in software that is the base of all European software development, because independent creations protected by copyright would be attackable by patents. Many patent applications cover very small and specific algorithms or techniques that are used in a wide variety of programs. Frequently the "inventions" mentioned in a patent application have been independently formulated and are already in use by other programmers when the application is filed.d) Duration of protectionThe TRIPS agreement mandates a period of at least 20 years for a product patent and 15 years in the case of a process patent.For Copyright, the agreement prescribes a minimum period of the lifetime of the author plus seventy years.JURISDICTIONS OF SOFTWARE PATENTINGSubstantive law regarding the patentability of software and computer-implemented inventions, and case law interpreting the legal provisions, are different under different jurisdictions.Software patents under multilateral treaties:o Software patents under TRIPs Agreemento Software patents under the European Patent Conventiono Computer programs and the Patent Cooperation TreatySoftware patenting under TRIPs AgreementThe WTO's Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs), particularly Article 27, are subject to debate on the international legal framework for the patentability of software, and on whether software and computer-implemented inventions should be considered as a field of technology.According to Art. 27 of TRIPS Agreement, patents shall be available for any inventions, whether products or processes, in all fields of technology, provided that they are new, involve an inventive step and are capable of industrial application. (...) patents shall be available and patent rights enjoyable without discrimination as to the place of invention, the field of technology and whether products are imported or locally produced."However, there have been no dispute settlement procedures regarding software patents. Its relevance for patentability in the computer-implemented business methods, and software information technology remains uncertain, since the TRIPs agreement is subject to interpretation.Software patents under the European Patent ConventionWithin European Union member states, the EPO and other national patent offices have issued many patents for inventions involving software since the European Patent Convention (EPC) came into force in the late 1970s. Article 52 EPC excludes "programs for computers" from patentability (Art. 52(2)) to the extent that a patent application relates to a computer program "as such" (Art. 52(3)). This has been interpreted to mean that any invention which makes a non-obvious "technical contribution" or solves a "technical problem" in a non-obvious way is patentable even if a computer program is used in the invention.Computer-implemented inventions which only solve a business problem using a computer, rather than a technical problem, are considered unpatentable as lacking an inventive step. Nevertheless, the fact that an invention is useful in business does not mean it is not patentable if it also solves a technical problem.Computer programs and the Patent Cooperation TreatyThe Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) is an international patent law treaty, which provides a unified procedure for filing patent applications to protect inventions. A patent application filed under the PCT is called an international application or PCT application. Under the PCT, the international search and the preliminary examination are conducted by International Searching Authorities (ISA) and International Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA).CURRENT TRENDHowever, before we start hailing the advent of a new era and equating the patenting of software in India it would be well worth our while to take a pause and examine the realities of software patenting. We could do this by looking at examples of countries in which software patenting has already become the order of the day, such as in the US and Japan .United StatesThe United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has traditionally not considered software to be patentable because by statute patents can only be granted to "processes, machines, articles of manufacture, and compositions of matter". i.e. In particular, patents cannot be granted to "scientific truths" or "mathematical expressions" of them. The USPTO maintained the position that software was in effect a mathematical algorithm, and therefore not patentable, into the 1980s. This position of the USPTO was challenged with a landmark 1981 Supreme Court case, Diamond v. Diehr. The case involved a device that used computer software to ensure the correct timing when heating, or curing, rubber. Although the software was the integral part of the device, it also had other functions that related to real world manipulation. The court then ruled that as a device to mold rubber, it was a patentable object. The court essentially ruled that while algorithms themselves could not be patented, devices that utilized them could.But in 1982 the U.S. Congress created a new court i.e the Federal Circuit to hear patent cases. This court allowed patentability of software, to be treated uniformly throughout the US. Due to a few landmark cases in this court, by the early 1990s the patentability of software was well established.Moreover, Several successful litigations show that software patents are now enforceable in the US. That is the reason, Patenting software has become widespread in the US. As of 2004, approximately 145,000 patents had issued in the 22 classes of patents covering computer implemented inventions.JapanSoftware is directly patentable in Japan. In various litigations in Japan, software patents have been successfully enforced. In 2005, for example, Matsushita won a court order barring Justsystem from infringing Matsuhita's Japanese patent 2,803,236 covering word processing software.Indian PositionWith respect to computer software, in Patents (Amendment) Act, 2002, the scope of non-patentable subject matter in the Act was amended to include the following: "a mathematical method or a business method or a computer programme per se or algorithms".However, the recent amendment changes (Ordinance, 2004), which amends the Patents Act, 1970, has been promulgated after receiving assent from the President of India and has came into effect from 1st Jan., 2005. Apart from change in pharmaceuticals and agro chemicals, one of the seminal amendments this Ordinance seeks to bring is to permit the patenting of embedded software. Hence, the amendment means that while a mathematical or a business method or an algorithm cannot be patented, a computer programme which has a technical application in any industry or which can be incorporated in hardware can be patented. Since any commercial software has some industry application and all applications can be construed as technical applications, obviously it opens all software patenting.In any case, any company seeking to file a patent application for software under the Ordinance should ensure that its invention firstly, follows the three basic tests:o Inventive Stepso Noveltyo UsefulnessTherefore, it is important that the software sought to be protected is not merely a new version or an improvement over an existing code.Further, in accordance with the specific requirements of the Ordinance with regard to patentability of software, the software should necessarily have a technical application to the industry or be intrinsic to or "embedded" in hardware. This is to prevent against any future litigation or claims of infringements being raised, which is a distinct probability even after a patent has been granted.CONCLUSIONIndia for its part seems to have adopted the more conservative approach of the European patenting norms for software. But the Ordinance definitely has its use and relevance in today's India, particularly for our growing domestic semi- conductor industry. This, along with judicial tempering might definitely ensure a judicious use of patent protection while allowing the industry to grow through innovations and inventions, thereby, mitigating the risks of trivial patents chocking the life out of real innovations and inventions. This is the reason a patent should always be treated as a "double edged sword", to be wielded with caution and sensitivity.Now whether, in reality this will be implemented on a rigid basis or will become broad in scope through application (as in the U.S.), and, more importantly, whether the Ordinance would, in fact, result in increased innovation and inventions in the software industry, remains to be seen.

Original :: An Overview of Software Patenting

How to transfer dvd video to iPhone4

The most frustrating thing about the iPods and iPhones is that they have no video or DVD converter supplied with them. Or the ones you do get are awful.

Here are 6 easy to follow steps to put movies on your iPhone.

1. Download a good DVD to iPhone Video Converter and install it on your computer. Be careful here as a lot if these contain spyware, more about this later.

2. Either download the movie in avi or divx format, this can be done with a torrent downloader. Or if you already have the film then put it into your computers rom drive.

3. Choose the resolution to suit your device, most converters have a list of devices to choose from such as android, iPhone,sp, ipad, zune, the list goes on.

4. A lot of people complain that movies on their iPhone or iPod touch have choppy playback, this is because they have set the frame rate wrong. A lot of video converters can be over complicated with settings for frame rate, mpeg output and more. Try to steer clear of these as they can take an hour of testing to just set up.

Original :: How to transfer dvd video to iPhone4

Effective Online Training

Just ten years ago no one could have ever imagined the capabilities that we now have due to the internet. We are now able to shop, interact with our friends and a lot more simply because of the software designed and created by numerous companies from all over the world. Perhaps the most notable advances have been made in the field of communications related technology. One of the sectors that can really benefit from all these advances is employee training. Usually done in rented locations and for notable costs, employee training has reached an entirely new stage. Online training is not only a viable solution and alternative for traditional training but it is considered as truly the way of thfuture. Anyone who has ever owned or managed even a small business knows how important it is that all the employees are completely efficient.

Not all companies are able to hire the best people for their jobs but this does not mean that they cannot do everything in their power to maximize their efficiency and this is what online training is all about. Online meetings software is operated from a single location and all the participants to an online training session are only required to log into a web based or traditional software application. The efficiency of online training is very important and many specialists in this sector used to feel that the feedback they received from participants was not sufficient to find out if their tactics hit the mark, but the technology that is behind todayโ��s online training software solutions virtually are so advanced that online meetings differ very little from the real experience.

Video and audio transmissions are of the highest quality and this ensures a seamless communication between the trainers and the trainees. Moreover, most online training software solutions available now on the market allow for highly secure file sharing and document transmissions among all the participants. Those in charge of online meetings are able to fully control each session in a number of ways, from deciding which participants have access to certain documents to even removing certain trainees from the online meetings. Finding the best software tool for a certain company strongly depends on its requirements in terms of the number of participants, technical capabilities and more. If pricing is an issue, there is really no reason to worry because there is a product out there for everyone. Consequently, the first normal step is to determine exactly which type of product you need.

This is easily done by analyzing the traditional training process that new employees are subjected to. If you have never had any experience with online training software tools and applications then the best idea is definitely to conduct an extensive research. Select the most suitable applications and then engage in testing them when possible, find out what other customers had to say, analyze the pricing options, the level of security for each of them, the technical capabilities they each offer and so on.

Original :: Effective Online Training

Norton Antivirus 2010 1User

  • Norton AntiVirus 2010 delivers industry-leading protection against viruses, spyware and more without slowing down your PC
  • Proactive protection automatically removes threats and stops new attacks before they can do damage
  • Uses intelligence-driven technology for faster, fewer, shorter scans--spend more time using your PC and less time waiting for scans
  • Provides clear, useful information about the CPU and memory resources used by applications to help you keep your PC running at top speed
  • Tells you what attacks it catches, where they came from and what they did so you can avoid future attacks

Rating: (out of 71 reviews)

List Price: $ 39.99 Price: $ 12.37

Original :: Norton Antivirus 2010 1-User